Monroe Board Of Education

 Democratic Agenda

As Published By The Democratic Candidates and Current Democratic Elected Officials on the Monroe Board Of Education

This Letter-To-The-Editor was published in The Monroe Sun on October 18th, 2021 under the headline Democrats seek majority representation on the Board of Education, outline agenda

Local elections have the largest impact on our day-to-day lives and especially in our school system. The Board of Education sets policy for our school systems, takes the first pass at the school budget, and hires/fires the Superintendent.

At this vital time in our country’s history and looking forward to creating the next generation leaders, we, the Democratic members and Democratic candidates for the Board of Education, ask for your vote to put us in the majority because our students deserve a Board that supports them at all times.

As your Board of Education majority, we will:

  • Fight for a fair and comprehensive budget that adequately funds our school system

  • Support our students of color, our LGBTQIA+ students, and children with special needs through the creation of policy and the funding of innovative initiatives

  • Create and implement policies that bring the Monroe Board of Education into the 21st century, bring us in line with similarly situated school districts, and conform to state and federal regulations

  • Advocate for a K-12 curriculum that creates well-rounded and engaged citizens who will become our future leaders

  • Support all students in their social and emotional needs and close learning gaps by utilizing state and federal grant dollars smartly as we continue to feel the long-lasting effects of COVID

  • Support all teachers, staff, and administrators of the Monroe public school system to guarantee that our buildings are safe and welcoming places to work

We will advocate with dedication for our students and their parents. We will continue to be a voice for parents and will advocate for what is in the best interest of all our children.

The quality of our schools matters because the quality of our town, in many ways, is determined by the schools.  How our community supports public education and how we support children matters to our economy and our civil society. Turnout during local elections is low because these types of elections do not bring the same fervor that state or federal elections have, but local elections are vitally important.

We have the knowledge and experience to be effective members of the Monroe Board of Education. As a university professor, special education professor and consultant, former three-decade Monroe teacher, public school psychologist, and active parent and community member, we ask you to come out this November 2nd, or via absentee ballot, to vote Row A to bring balance to our town. We ask for your vote because we truly value our school system and want to see it thrive.

Jerry Stevens

Chrissy Fensore Martinez

Theresa Oleyar

Alan Vaglivelo

Nick Kapoor