
Monroe Democrats Positions On Core Issues

(Excerpted from the Connecticut Democratic Party Platform)

  • Education

A quality public education is the surest path to prosperity, giving all students the opportunity to fulfill their dreams and contribute to our economy and democracy. We are committed to ensuring that every person in Monroe has access to a world-class public education so we can make sure Monroe continues to prepare students for the future.

  • Income growth and economic security

The economy must serve the needs of the many, not create profits for a few. We resolve to continually focus on lifting the working poor and working class and remain confident that all businesses will be lifted by increasing the economic security of the working people of Monroe.

  • Small Businesses and Economic Development

Small businesses are major drivers of our economy within our community and across Connecticut. Our focus on creating a living wage and supporting the working and middle class is in direct alignment with ensuring that small businesses are provided with the tools and resources to flourish.

  • Health Care

Connecticut has been on the front lines of legislation reinforcing the Affordable Care Act, expanding Medicaid, and protecting Medicare, to the benefit of Connecticut residents. We are proud to advocate for health care as a fundamental right and expand the fight for health justice to the entire country.  Our party shall not rest until every person in Connecticut has comprehensive health insurance that covers every health need.

  • Environment

We will continue to advocate for the preservation of our lands, forests, farmlands, and waterways, culminating in the understanding of our agriculture heritage, place in the larger environment as it pertains to the health of the Long Island Sound in our region, and clean water and air for all people.

  • Women's Rights, Racial Justice, and LGBTQ Rights

We shall strive to enact laws and education which better protects those most vulnerable among us. Monroe Democrats are resolved to continually working to support policies that protect victims. Racism is still a strong force in the United States and public institutions inadvertently or intentionally violate the rights of people of color. The Monroe Democrats must continually act, through law and deed, toward eliminating institutional racism. We recognize and engage the specific challenges facing women, and in particular women of color. LGBTQIA+ rights are frequently targeted in spite of years of reflection, development, healing, and progress by members of the Democratic Party. We should continually push to knock down barriers that restrict civil rights and ensure that sexual discrimination legislation includes the LGBTQIA+ community.

  • Infrastructure and Transportation

Monroe Democrats understand the important role a robust transportation system plays in revitalizing our state’s economy. We believe that there must be a forward-looking, comprehensive plan for strategic investments in infrastructure. And most importantly a local and state long-term plan to address the desperate infrastructure needs of our town.

  • Voting Rights

The sanctity of our elections and voting systems must be upheld and free from malicious influence. Voting is a fundamental right that must be protected.

  • Immigration

Monroe Democrats resolve to do everything we can to protect Dreamers, refugees, and other residents from any anti-immigration aggression. We believe that all members of our community, including immigrants, should be treated equally, with respect and dignity.

  • Free Press

The support of Connecticut’s free press to our political process has been one of the defining hallmarks of politics in this state. The press has effectively been a counter-check to power and a resource to Connecticut’s people.